I was rejected 357 times before landing my dream job. Here’s what I learned


Learned some other tough lessons about landing in a career

Here are some tips that helped me to learned how to  survive the job search process:

Make a personal connection

When I first started applying to jobs, I would often use easy-apply methods to send in my resume quickly and to a lot of different places. While this saved me a lot of time in the short run, I was always rejected or ghosted by the companies I applied to because I didn’t stand out.

I had much more success once I began reaching out directly to hiring managers via email or LinkedIn’s In-mail, as opposed to blindly applying to jobs and hoping something would stick. Not only did this help me showcase my personality and get noticed by recruiters more, but it also allowed there to be more transparency in the overall application process.

make connections for jobs


Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback

While getting rejected by any job can be upsetting and confidence-crushing. I’ve learned that the best thing you can do for yourself is to ask why. Whether it was a lack of experience or that my background was simply not the right fit.

I received really valuable feedback from hiring managers that helped me improve my chances of getting hired in the future. Hiring managers will rarely offer anything outright in the way of feedback, so it’s important to proactively ask—even if it is a little nerve-wracking.

learned to take feedback

Take breaks

If you feel like you can’t look at another application without wanting to give up forever. It’s probably time to take a break. And it doesn’t have to be for a long time either. During the months where it felt like I was constantly applying and getting rejected. I found that taking little breaks, like walking my dog , really helped improve my mental health .

Getting outside and away from my computer allowed me to process. I remember what exactly I was looking for and why I was doing it. I’ve found that when applying for jobs gets too overwhelming. The best thing to do is take a mini-vacation, rejuvenate, and then come back with a refreshed and ready mindset.

learned to relax

Don’t give up

Rejection can be difficult and discouraging, but it’s important to remember that you worked hard to get where you are. When finding the right fit feels impossible, try and remind yourself of what motivated you in the first place. For me, it was the money I invested and the hours I put into receiving an education that would best prepare me for the future.

When I thought about that, I couldn’t give up no matter how tough the job market seemed. So, when I finally got hired, I posted my success story on LinkedIn to show my peers that while finding a job can be mentally draining and difficult, it’s not impossible. While I didn’t intend for it to go viral. I’m glad so many people got to see just how important it is to never give up hope.

learned to not to give up

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