The Most Remote Places In Human Civilization

The Most Remote Places In Human Civilization From isolated islands in the South Pacific to the chilly confines of northern Canada, these are the most remote places on Earth. The small village of Alert lies on the tip of the Nunavut territory in Canada a mere five hundred miles below the North Pole. With a…

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The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No

The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No the ultimate productivity hack is saying no. Not doing something will always be faster than doing it. This statement reminds me of the old computer programming saying, “Remember that there is no code faster than no code.” The same philosophy applies in other areas of life. For example,…

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21 Fun Reptile Facts: How Many Do You Know?

21 Fun Reptiles Facts: How Many Do You Know? What Is a reptile? Reptile are cold-blooded animals, which means they are unable to regulate their own body temperature. Because reptiles are unable to regulate their own body temperature (or keep it constant), they are generally found in warm climates. Basking on rocks or enjoying the…

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Facts About Music That Really Sing

Facts About Music That Really Sing They say music is a universal language. And, you know, they’re probably right. After all, who doesn’t love a great, foot-tapping tune? Musicians Have Shorter Life Spans Than the General Population One study, conducted by a University of Sydney professor, titled “Stairway to H*ll: Life and Death in the Pop…

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Pilgrimage Destinations in India

Pilgrimage Destinations in India There are numerous pilgrimage destinations in India that are visited by thousands of followers every year. Even those who are just interested in admiring the architecture and understanding the culture visit these pilgrimage places, though not from a religious point of view. India is known throughout the world for its spirituality….

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