Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda: A Beacon of Spiritual Enlightenment and National Pride

Born on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata (then Calcutta), Narendranath Datta, who would later become Swami Vivekananda, was a bright and inquisitive child. His mother’s influence instilled in him a deep sense of spirituality, while his father’s rational thinking shaped his analytical mind. Vivekananda’s quest for truth led him to his guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,…

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Why Are Some People Left-Handed?

On this Internation Left-Handers Day, let’s discuss what causes left-handedness in some people. Whether a person favors their right hand or their left, and what this reveals about brain function, has been studied for at least 150 years. In the past, children who were naturally left-handed were encouraged or forced to use their right hand,…

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Your People Skills

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your People Skills No matter what new technologies and systems you put in place to grow your business, how to work with people will always matter most. To develop natural charm and innate people skills requires effort along with trial and error. Here are ten simple ways to help improve your natural charm…

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The Science of Mind Reading

The Science of Mind Reading Researchers are pursuing age-old questions about the nature of thoughts—and learning how to read them. Mind-reading sounds like science fiction. Psychological concept used to describe the process of understanding what other people are thinking. We may not be aware of it, but we use mind-reading every day when we interact…

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