Meet India’s ChatGPT Rival: Hanooman GPT

India now boasts its own indigenous alternative to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, named Hanooman GPT. Developed by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay in collaboration with Seetha Mahalakshmi Healthcare (SML), Hanooman GPT is an open-source Indic language model series. Key Features of Hanooman GPT Also Read: बिहार: भोजपुरी एक्टर खेसारी लाल यादव के गांव सारण में…

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5 Ways to Spot Fake News

5 Ways to Spot Fake News

In today’s digital age, the proliferation of misinformation is a growing concern. With the rise of social media and instant access to news, distinguishing between real and fake news has become increasingly challenging. Here are five effective ways to spot fake news: 1. Check the Source One of the most important steps in verifying news…

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Money Transfer Without OTP

Money Transfers Without OTP – A Growing Threat

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime, fraudsters continuously develop new tactics to exploit vulnerabilities and outpace security measures. The latest alarming trend is money transfers without the One-Time Password (OTP) authentication, a method traditionally considered a robust security feature. This article explores how this new fraud tactic works, its implications, and what individuals and institutions…

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Google Unveils Android 15

Google Unveils Android 15 with Enhanced User Interface and Robust Security Features

Google has officially launched Android 15, the latest update to its mobile operating system, bringing a host of new features designed to enhance the user interface and bolster privacy. This iteration of Android introduces advanced theft protection features aimed at significantly strengthening the security of Android devices and safeguarding users’ data. Advanced Theft Protection With…

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Electronic Voting Machine (EVM): Modernizing Electoral Processes

The Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) has revolutionized the electoral process, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in elections. Developed to replace traditional paper ballots, EVMs are electronic devices used to record votes in elections. EVMs consist of a control unit and a ballot unit. The control unit is operated by a polling officer and manages the…

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