What is Trainee Identification Number-TID

What is Trainee Identification Number-TID? Simplifying Certificate Management and Verification

In today’s fast-paced world, certificates represent our accomplishments, but handling them can be difficult due to the risk of physical copies being damaged or lost. Introducing the Trainee Identification Number-TID: securely store all your certifications online, easily accessible with a click, guaranteeing their safety and immediate availability. Also Read: What is the Trainee Identification Number…

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National Fish Farmer's Day

Honoring the Pillars of India’s Blue Revolution: National Fish Farmer’s Day

National Fish Farmer’s Day, celebrated annually on July 10, is a significant occasion to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of fish farmers, aquaculture industry professionals, and other stakeholders who play a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable and thriving fisheries sector. This day not only highlights the achievements and hard work of those involved…

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Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network Controversy: Clarifying Misinformation and Industry Response

Amid a flurry of social media activity, Cartoon Network has recently been thrust into the spotlight due to the trending hashtag #RIPCartoonNetwork, which mistakenly suggested the channel’s imminent closure. The origin of this uproar stems from “Animation Workers Ignited,” a group advocating for labor rights within the animation industry. The viral animation shared by this…

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