The Science of Mind Reading

The Science of Mind Reading Researchers are pursuing age-old questions about the nature of thoughts—and learning how to read them. Mind-reading sounds like science fiction. Psychological concept used to describe the process of understanding what other people are thinking. We may not be aware of it, but we use mind-reading every day when we interact…

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Six Ways to Find Your Courage During Challenging Times

Six Ways to Find Your Courage During Challenging Times Courage doesn’t have to look dramatic or fearless. Sometimes it looks more like quiet perseverance. 1. See yourself as courageous First, if we describe ourselves as “courageous,” we are more likely to act courageously. In other words, if I tell myself that I’m a courageous person as…

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The ingenious living bridges of India

The ingenious living bridges of India For centuries, indigenous groups in north-east India have crafted intricate bridges from living fig trees. Now this ancient skill is making its way to European cities. When monsoon clouds bring pelting rains to the village of Tyrna, Shailinda Syiemlieh takes the nearest bridge to reach the opposite bank of…

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How Your Brain Conjures Dreams

How Your Brain Conjures Dreams Dreams tap memories stored in connections between brain cells, which the hippocampus tracks as they form. At night it directs neurons to replay recollections, facilitating long-term storage. That could be why reality seeps into our visions—but not why they tend to warp reality.How we think our brains drive our nocturnal hallucinations….

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What is the best type of meditation?

What is the best type of meditation? Meditation offers time for relaxation and heightened awareness in a stressful world where our senses are often dulled. Research suggests that meditation has the potential for more than just temporary stress relief. Fast facts on types of meditation: Within each type of meditation, there are several subtypes to…

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