Six Ways to Delete Yourself From the Internet

You’ll never be able to get a clean slate—but you can significantly downsize your digital footprint. 1. Delete or deactivate your shopping, social media and web service accounts Think about which networks you have social media profiles on. Aside from the big ones (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn), do you still have old accounts on sites…

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INTERESTING FACTS ON THE MUMMIFICATION PROCESS !! Mummification is the process by which a dead human or animal may be preserved for a long duration by preventing its decomposition. It can occur naturally or it can be done intentionally. The mummification process is usually associated with ancient Egypt though there are numerous cultures around the world which have practiced it. In Egypt, the process was important…

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All you need to know about Kargil War

All you need to know about Kargil War How, when and where July 26. It was on this day 19 years ago that the Indian Army recaptured all the Indian posts in Kargil that had been occupied by Pakistan’s army. Since then, July 26 has been observed annually to commemorate the sacrifices made by soldiers…

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What Makes Humans Special ?

Long Childhoods Humans must remain in the care of their parents for much longer than other living primates. The question then becomes why, when it might make more evolutionary sense to grow as fast as possible to have more offspring. The explanation may be our large brains, which presumably require a long time to grow…

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8 VERY COOL FACTS ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY The human body is an incredibly complex and intricate system, one that still baffles doctors and researchers on a regular basis despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, it shouldn’t be any surprise that even body parts and functions we deal with every day…

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Babur and the establishment of the Mughals

Babur and the establishment of the Mughals The mughals dynasty was founded by a Chagatai Turkic prince named Bābur (reigned 1526–30), who was descended from the Turkic conqueror Timur (Tamerlane) on his father’s side and from Chagatai, second son of the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan, on his mother’s side. Bābur’s father, ʿUmar Shaykh Mīrzā, ruled the small principality of Fergana to the north of the Hindu Kush mountain…

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Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic

Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic Spices play a vital role in Indian cuisine since long time. These are the some of the most valuable items of domestic as well as industrial kitchens. The role of spices is to increase the palatability and used as a flavoring, coloring, and preservative agents. Rather than cooking…

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China builds ‘artificial moon’ for gravity experiment

China builds ‘artificial moon’ for gravity experiment The artificial moon is housed in a vacuum chamber, despite the fact that it is only 60 centimetres in diameter compared to the actual moon’s 3,474.8 kilometres. China has established an artificial moon research centre that simulates low-gravity conditions to aid in the exploration of the satellite. According to…

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