Top Vocational Courses to Pursue in Mid-2024

Top Vocational Courses to Pursue in Mid-2024

Choosing the right vocational course can significantly boost your career prospects by providing specialized skills and practical knowledge. As mid-2024 approaches, here are some of the top vocational courses worth considering: 1. Data Science and Analytics In the era of big data, expertise in data science and analytics is highly sought after across industries. Courses…

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Money Transfer Without OTP

Money Transfers Without OTP – A Growing Threat

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime, fraudsters continuously develop new tactics to exploit vulnerabilities and outpace security measures. The latest alarming trend is money transfers without the One-Time Password (OTP) authentication, a method traditionally considered a robust security feature. This article explores how this new fraud tactic works, its implications, and what individuals and institutions…

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