What’s the Difference Between an Herb and a Spice?

The use of Herbs and spices can be found as far back as prehistoric times, often as valuable forms of currency in trade. The seasonings have also been

used for medicinal properties and as preservatives in food storage. Many spices have been found to contain antimicrobial properties that thwart the

growth of bacteria. You probably use some herbs or spices daily, but do you know the difference? The terms Herb and spice are often used interchangeably

, but they are in fact two distinct types of seasonings, made from different sections of plants and processed in different ways.


Let’s use cinnamon and oregano as examples. Cinnamon is a powdered spice that can be made from the bark of a few different trees that fall

under the genus Cinnamomum. Spices like cinnamon are made from the aromatic seeds, bark, flowers, and roots of plants that have been dried

and crushed. Oregano, however, is an herb derived from the herbaceous oregano plant. Herbs are leaves, and although most come

from herbaceous plants (plants that lack woody stems), a few do come from woody plants, such as bay leaf. Basil, rosemary, and parsley are often

found in a kitchen’s spice rack but actually qualify as herbs because they are aromatic leaves.

Spices tend to be stronger in flavor than herbs, because they are made from crushed portions of plants that are especially rich in essential oils. Herbs can be found either fresh or dried, chopped or whole.

Difference and similarities between herbs and spices.

In broad terms both herbs and spices come from plants but herbs are the fresh part of the plant while spice is the dried root,

dried stalk, seed or dried fruit of the plant and is almost always dried not fresh. Both herbs and spices add flavor to the dish, however

herbs are more subtle while spices have stronger flavor.

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