9 simple ways to stay on track: Workout Consistency

Two thirds of women exercise less during winter – 9 simple ways to stay on track

Jogging in cold

If you’re feeling demotivated or unsafe

2,000 women were surveyed in the UK and sadly, the data indicates that women are still experiencing way more barriers getting into sport or workout than men.

So, you’re not alone if in the past few weeks you’ve regularly been tempted to snooze your 7 am alarm, or finished your working day keen to head out for a run, only to notice how dark it is and change your mind.

But it needn’t become your new normal.Here, Some top tips for exercising in cold weather – including investing in the right kit, staying safe during darker evenings, and buddying up to keep yourself accountable. Keep scrolling.

Make exercise in cold weather enjoyable: 9 tips

1. Invest in the right kit

  • Warm and reflective gym leggings .
  • A base layer
  • A gilet or wind jacket
  • A good pair of gloves.
  • Thick socks.
  • An ear warmer

2. Aim for little and often, every day 

While a five-mile run might seem so daunting you hide under the covers, a five-minute jog doesn’t.

Try this trick I learned from a sports psychologist years ago: tell yourself you’ll only workout for five minutes if that’s really all your body fancies doing. Trust me when I say, you’ll find the concept of a shorter run far easier to tackle, and once you’re out, will likely run for as long as you’d initially planned, anyway.

3. Get your steps in

Sounds simple, actually isn’t when it’s frrrrreezing outside. Try this: set an alarm come lunch and head for a walk around the block when you hear it sound.

Edwards even advises things like getting off the train a stop earlier or parking your car as far away as possible from your work entrance. “Increase your NEAT – that’s non-exercise activity thermogenesis – will help your body to burn twice as many calories as your workout,” he explains. That way, if you do miss a session because you don’t feel safe or it’s cold, you won’t feel so bad as you’ve already got some daily movement in.

4. Set yourself performance goals instead of outcome goals

This one’s a good one.

“Set yourself a goal and the rest will follow,” shares Edwards. Like? Increasing your steps weekly, upping the weight you’re lifting or training for a big event, like a marathon.” This will motivate you more than saying you want to lose 20kg,” he says.

5. Train with a mate

Whether it’s a Zoom workout with a friend at lunchtime or an evening run with a family member, booking in a workout with someone else is bound to a. hold you accountable and b. keep you safe, as you’re both in each other’s company. “A little bit of competition keeps us accountable and healthy,”

6. Pay attention to your body and your menstrual cycle

Feeling really bleurgh and can’t work out why? Chances are, you’re in one of your menstrual cycle phases which leaves you low energy. “Menstruation affects performance, so it’s important to know what stage you’re at,” shares Edwards.

Don’t worry – this is normal, so do take the time to listen to your body and rest accordingly. Tomorrow is a new day, and one missed workout doesn’t ultimately matter.

winter workout outfit

7. Don’t make unrealistic plans

If you had your work Christmas party the night before, is a 7.15am run really realistic? Short answer: no.

What might work is a short lunch jog. Being realistic with your time – and your commitments – will make sure you don’t

8. Stick to well-lit streets after dark

A sad reality, but two small things you can do if you are going to run after dark: stick to well-lit streets, and wear high viz gear.

Several runners I know opt for head torches, too – practical as it means they can see the road ahead of them, and good for safety, as it means they can easily see and be seen.

9. Take your phone with you

And finally, if you are going to exercise in the colder months when it gets darker, earlier, do make sure to take your phone out with you, just in case of emergency. Plus, that way, you can listen to some tunes while you run (just opt for one earphone in, one earphone out, to listen out for passing cars, and so on).


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