
The Incredible facts about Fig

The Incredible Fig The fig is an ecological marvel. Although you may never want to eat one again. Fig trees have no blossoms on their branches. The blossom is inside of the fruit! Many tiny flowers produce the crunchy little edible seeds that give figs their unique texture. Figs are harvested according to nature’s clock,…

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Ways to Detox Your Body

Get rid of those toxins the scientific way. After particularly long stretches of inundating our bodies with treats and drinks—for anything from summer BBQs to the holiday celebrations—nothing is more enticing that the hope of a quick fix, the promise that you’ll be back to your best with a little activated charcoal, green juice, herbal…

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Morning Routine to Save Your 20+ Hours Per Week

Your first three hours will make or break you. The traditional 9–5 workday is poorly structured for high productivity. Perhaps when most work was physical labor, but not in the knowledge working world we now live in.Although this may be obvious based on people’s mediocre performance, addiction to stimulants, lack of engagement, and the fact…

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How To Start a Digital Detox

Why digital detox is necessary? A digital detox can improve your physical and mental health, increase your attention span, develop your problem-solving skills, and even boost your creativity. It’s also an important way to reduce stress. Five Digital Detox Tips You can use many strategies to take a break from screen time. Different methods work…

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