
Places To Visit in December in India

Places To Visit in December in India While snow claims India’s northern bits, the sun lulls its beaches, its southern outlines acquire an effortless charm and the plains get used to a much-awaited extra layer of clothes, the Indian Peninsula enters one of the best seasons to travel here. Here are the places to visit…

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Feedback Isn’t Enough to Help Your Employees Grow

When most organizations had hierarchical, top-down, command-and-control structures as their primary decision-making method, feedback was paramount. Information mostly needed to cascade downward in an organization, and the primary role of managers was to hold people accountable. Today, as leaders know, the workplace is radically different. Modern organizations are more decentralized, matrixed and agile. Employees have…

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garba outfit

Traditional dress around the world

From the Indian sari to the Vietnamese conical hat, the world is full of different varieties of traditional dress. Some colorful, some immersed in history and specific to the country’s culture and others due to circumstance or status. They are almost always eye-catching. Learning about them gains you an insight into the country they’re part…

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The most beautiful photos of natural wonders around the world

The most beautiful photos of natural wonders around the world! There are unbelievably beautiful natural wonders across the world. Photographs capture the vibrant colors of canyons, forests, and rocky shorelines. Natural wonders come in all shapes and sizes. From China’s Tianzi mountains to the Verdon Gorge in southeastern France, there are incredible places all over the…

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weird animals

16 Unique Facts About 16 Unique Animals

Animals are amazing things; all of us are unique and sometimes very unusual in our behavior. At Frontier HQ, we are fascinated by all things nature, and so we have put together a list of all of the very best and most interesting and downright funny facts about animals we could find.   1. The…

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Jack Ma – The Inspirational Story of Alibaba Founder

Jack Ma – The Inspirational Story of Alibaba Founder Jack Ma is the founder of the E-commerce giant Alibaba and is a stakeholder at Alipay, it’s sister company which is an e-payment portal. He is now officially the richest man in China with an estimated net worth of $25 Billion, on the back of the recent world record $150 Billion IPO…

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