
The ingenious living bridges of India

For centuries, indigenous groups in north-east India have crafted intricate bridges from living fig trees. Now this ancient skill is making its way to European cities. When monsoon clouds bring pelting rains to the village of Tyrna, Shailinda Syiemlieh takes the nearest bridge to reach the opposite bank of a gushing stream. The bridge is…

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Science says it’s essential to make time to do nothing. Here’s why?

Over the past decade, Nothing I’ve tried to understand the social and psychological effects of our growing interactions with new information and communication technologies, a topic I examine in my book “The Terminal Self: Everyday Life in Hypermodern Times.”In this 24/7, “always on” age, the prospect of doing nothing might sound unrealistic and unreasonable. But…

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Want to Keep Getting Smarter Every Day? Neuroscience Reveals the Best Way to Keep This Form of Intelligence Operating at Peak Levels

A friend of mine spends 20 to 30 minutes a day solving Sudoku puzzles. He says it improves his speed of mental processing and makes him, well, smarter intelligence. Hold that thought. Ask people which factor contributes the most to success and most will choose intelligence, even though science says you also have to be…

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