Ready for an adventure back in time? Then join us as we discover ten fascinating facts about Ancient Greece! And once you’ve had your fill of Ancient Greek facts, be sure to scroll down to learn more about Greece today…

Facts about Ancient Greece

1. Ancient Greeks lived over 3000 years ago. Their civilizations followed a Dark Age in Greece, which is thought to have ended in 800 B.C. For the most part, Ancient Greece was divided into several small city-states, each with its own laws, customs, and rulers. However, in the 300s B.C., these small city-states were forced to unite under one ruler: Alexander the Great. He was the founder of the Ancient Greek Empire, which stretched into Europe, Egypt, and South-West Asia.

2. The Greeks had some strange superstitions about food – some wouldn’t eat beans as they thought they contained the souls of the dead!

3. The Ancient Greeks were descended from the Mycenaeans, who were also the first writers and speakers of ‘Ancient Greek’.  A famous legend tells how, in 1180 B.C., the mighty Mycenaeans conquered the city of Troy – by hiding inside a giant wooden horse! The horse was left outside the city’s walls and, thinking it a gift, the people of Troy wheeled it inside… only for the sneaky Mycenaean soldiers to creep out and seize the city!

4. Did you know that the Ancient Greeks invented the theatre? They loved watching plays, and most cities had a theatre – some big enough to hold 15,000 people! Only men and boys were allowed to be actors, and they wore masks, which showed the audience whether their character was happy or sad. Some of the masks had two sides, so the actor could turn them around to change the mood for each scene.

5. Most Ancient Greeks wore a chiton, which was a long T-shirt made from one large piece of cotton. The poor slaves, however, had to make do with a loincloth (a small strip of cloth wrapped around the waist)!

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