What Causes Milkskin?

Milk forms a skin on top when heated because of a chemical reaction that affects how protein and fat molecules interact with each other. When milk is heated rapidly, some of the water in it evaporates from the surface. This exposes proteins and fat molecules, which bind and dry out as warming continues. Skin most…

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Bail Pola

Indian culture is full of festivals and Bail Pola is one of them. This festival is celebrated by farmers who worship and express their gratitude to the bull as they help them drive their ploughs to sow seeds and mix the soil to make it ready for farming. The cow is considered a sacred animal…

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Underwater Rivers

Very few people are aware that there are places under the sea where rivers and lakes exist. Water bodies of different shapes and sizes can be found in the depths of the ocean. In some places under the ocean where thick layers of salt can be found scattered for miles. When the seawater starts to…

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Fact Of World’s Most Expensive Brew

If you’re well-versed in the world’s strangest and most specialized coffees, you’ve probably already heard of Kopi Luwak, sometimes called civet coffee. Some people believe that this specialty coffee is the best in the world, but there’s one big reason you may want to give it a pass – and it’s not the impressive price. Keep reading to…

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Why Are Some People Left-Handed?

On this Internation Left-Handers Day, let’s discuss what causes left-handedness in some people. Whether a person favors their right hand or their left, and what this reveals about brain function, has been studied for at least 150 years. In the past, children who were naturally left-handed were encouraged or forced to use their right hand,…

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