How to Convince Yourself to Do Hard Things

  When we’re tired or stressed, our brains want to save mental energy and help us make decisions quickly. We’re wired to move toward things that make us feel good and away from things that make us feel uncomfortable. Our brains tag effort as bad, because it’s hard work, and we’re more likely to “go…

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6 Tips for Face-to-Face Networking

6 Tips for Face-to-Face Networking It’s an unavoidable fact: building a strong network is vital to career success. In recent years, we have seen traditional networking take a backseat to online connections, but smart professionals know there’s no substitute for building relationships face-to-face. 1. It’s Who You Know When you arrive, find a few of…

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FACTS ABOUT ANCIENT GREECE! Ready for an adventure back in time? Then join us as we discover ten fascinating facts about Ancient Greece! And once you’ve had your fill of Ancient Greek facts, be sure to scroll down to learn more about Greece today… Facts about Ancient Greece 1. Ancient Greeks lived over 3000 years ago. Their…

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Psychiatrists are uncovering connections between viruses and mental health or depression. They’re surprising.

Immune responses to viruses like SARS-CoV-2 may affect mental health, and vice versa. Doctors are uncovering exactly how. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, one of the biggest questions was: Why do some people get so much sicker than others? It’s a question that has forced researchers to confront some deep mysteries of the human body,depression…

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