Estimated age of universe!!

The universe is (nearly) 14 billion years old, astronomers confirm. With looming discrepancies about the true age of universe, scientists have taken a fresh look at the observable (expanding) universe and have estimated that it is 13.77 billion years old (plus or minus 40 million years). In 2019, scientists studying the movement of galaxies concluded…

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Kangaroos Have Three Vaginas!!

The female kangaroo has three vaginas, two uteruses and carries her young in a pouch. The male kangaroo has a long, pointed penis located behind his scrotum. The male kangaroo doesn’t have a pouch or nipples.Kangaroos do not have separate openings for intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts. Koalas, wombats and Tasmanian devils all share the three-vagina structure. The…

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Lava eruption at Kilauea spews ‘Pele’s hair’ volcanic glass into Hawaii’s skies

Kilauea volcano is erupting, sending lava and thread-like pieces of  volcanic glass, known as Pele’s hair, into Hawaii’s skies, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service. (Image credit: M. Patrick/USGS) The eruption began at about 3:20 p.m. local Hawaii time Wednesday (Sept. 29), when the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory detected…

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Hubble Captures a Cluster in the Heart of the Milky Way

Hubble Space Telescope Captures a Cluster in the Heart of the Milky Way This sparkling starfield, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys, contains the globular cluster ESO 520-21 (also known as Palomar 6). A densely packed, roughly spherical collection of stars, it lies close to…

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