Strange Disappearances, 9/11 Remains Are Identified, 20 Years Later.

Strange Disappearances:

Over 1,600 people have vanished in US National Parks, never to be seen or heard from ever again.

After 9/11, the US government put in place an analysis and reporting system so that missing people could be found more easily.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped people from disappearing in National Parks… and since tracking these people is often virtually impossible, many of them tend to stay missing.

Last month, two detectives showed up at Nykiah Morgan’s Long Island home.

Strange Disappearances

Nearly 20 years ago, Dorothy Morgan, Ms. Morgan’s mother, disappeared into the rubble of the collapsed towers, like most of the 2,753 ground zero victims on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

She was working as an insurance broker in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Her mother became the 1,646th World Trade Center victim to be identified through DNA testing.

Remarkably, the 1,647th match came days later: a man whose name the agency did not release in accordance with his family’s wishes.


Daughter of 9/11 victim:

Says for years she never believed her mother was dead and thought she may have left the hospital with amnesia.

  • Nykiah Morgan, the daughter of  9/11 victim Dorothy Morgan, spoke about her mother in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
  • Morgan worked as a broker for Marsh & McLennan in the World Trade Center.
  • Before the discovery of her mother’s remains, Nykiah claimed she was in denial of her mother’s death and that September 11 didn’t exist for her.
  •  Nykiah described her mother as ‘beautiful’ and ‘loved’ by everyone.

Dorothy Morgan, 47, who worked as an insurance adjuster for Marsh & McLennan in the North Tower at the World Trade Center and whose remains were recovered in 2001,

was one of two victims to be identified this week through DNA testing.

Some of there conversation:

On Thursday night, Morgan’s daughter, Nykiah Morgan, told Anderson Cooper 360 said it has been an ’emotional rollercoaster’ and it has taken her years to come to terms with her mother’s death.

‘First you have somewhat of a calm and then you get news like this, and then it’s all over again.

‘You’re in shock. You’re crying. It’s just all over the place.

All over the place. When it was happening and I didn’t want to believe it,’ she said.

Morgan said that she did not initially want to believe that her mother died from the attacks and constructed the idea that she had been treated at hospital and that she had been released with amnesia.

She said that she believed ‘my mom was out there. Maybe had amnesia. And then was released from the hospital.

I had a whole story in my head. And she was out there living. Happy.’

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