You may get power from spinach if Popeye the Sailor Man could, as this green vegetable is regarded as a superfood. Spinach’s high nutrient content and low calorie content are the reasons it is regarded as a superfood. This leafy vegetable is also good for your bones, hair, and skin.
Some of the powerful health benefits of spinach are that this vegetable helps stabilise your blood glucose levels, helps in reducing your risk of developing cancer, prevents you from cancer and is good for bone health. One vegetable with so many health benefits is amazing and our ancestors were not wrong in propagating its uses for the human body. So adding this green to your healthy diet will benefit your health in multiple ways. Before we get into the health benefits that this green has in store for us, let understand some of its nutrition facts.

Spinach Nutrition Table
All of us know that spinach is good for us, but the question remains as to what makes this green a superfood? The below-listed nutrition table will give you an insight into some of the components that this green possesses.
Apart from the above-listed nutritional facts, here are some vitamins and minerals that make this green super healthy.
The leafy green is said to contain 250 milligrams of calcium per cup and this would help keep your bones healthy including your teeth. Also, in order to get the best out of spinach, it is advised that you combine vitamin C rich foods along with this such as citrus fruits and increase your absorption of calcium.
Magnesium is said to increase your metabolism, regulate your heart rhythm and maintain blood pressure. Thus, spinach has a rich source of dietary magnesium that can benefit your health in multiple ways.
Your body needs iron content in order to use body energy effectively. In order to get the best out of iron content, you can add some vitamin C foods such as citrus fruits to spinach and improve your absorption of iron content.

15 Health Benefits of Spinach
Spinach is linked to numerous health benefits that improve your eyesight, cancer prevention and regulate blood sugar. This is the actual reason why this leafy green is considered a superfood. Here are some health benefits of spinach that you need to know.
1. Prevents Cancer
Spinach has a high source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that can flush out the free radicals from your body. These free radicals make your body prone to many diseases including cancer and as a result, spinach is said to prevent cancer. So all you need to do is to consume spinach and prevent yourself from stomach cancer, mouth cancer and oesophagus cancer.
2. Reduces Blood Sugar
Spinach is said to have high potassium content that is usually recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure. So how does potassium benefit a person suffering from high blood pressure? Well, potassium reduces the effects of sodium in the body.
3. Aids in Good Bone Health
Spinach contains vitamin K that aids in good bone health and this means adequate consumption of vitamins can do good to your health. It also improves calcium absorption by your body. Spinach contains 250 milligrams of calcium per cup and this is much required by your bones and teeth. Calcium is a strengthening agent for your bones and keeps your bones healthy.
4. Aids in Weight Loss
If you are planning to reduce your weight, then it is advised that you add spinach onto your weight loss diet and this will do you good. Spinach leaves aids in weight loss and also are low in calories. Its high amounts of fibre content also help in good digestion, regulate low blood sugar and prevent constipation. All you need to do is to consume spinach once a day and this will do good for your health. Spinach makes feel full and curbs your appetite. So adding this to your everyday diet will help benefit you in multiple ways.

5. Good For Your Eyes
The antioxidants that are found in spinach are lutein and zeaxanthin and these help in providing good eyesight. It also protects yours from cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and other eye problems. The vitamin A found in spinach helps to maintain mucus membranes that are essential for normal eyesight.
6. Reduces Hypertension
Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure is responsible for causing many heart diseases, kidney disease and strokes. Thus consuming this superfood can prevent all these risks and keep you healthy. Consuming at least once a day can reduce anxiety and stress and help you keep a calm mind. Spinach contains vitamin C that also helps in reducing hypertension.
7. Has Anti-inflammatory Properties
This superfood contains neoxanthin and violaxanthin are two anti-inflammatory properties that regulate inflammation. Its high source of anti-inflammatory properties can help you prevent osteoporosis, migraine, asthma, arthritis and headaches. So make sure that you add this healthy leafy green to your regular diet and reap the benefits of it.
8. Keeps Your Body Relaxed
Spinach keeps your mind calm so that you do not get tensed and maintain a stress-free life. Its high source of zinc and magnesium enables you to get good sleep at night and good sleep can help aid all your mental illnesses. This will help your body stay relaxed and rest your eyes. So consuming spinach at least once a day can definitely do good to your health.
9. Keeps Your Brain Functioning Normally
This leafy green helps in the smooth functioning of your brain, especially during old age. Thus consuming this leafy green on a daily basis will keep your brain active and enable you to think intelligently. It’s content of vitamin K, Vitamin K helps a healthy nervous system and aid in normal behaviour.
10. Boosts Your Immunity
Vitamin A content found in spinach is said to strengthen the entry points in the human body such as respiratory, intestinal tracts and mucus membranes. So all you need to do is to consume one cup of spinach every day and stay healthy. It energises you and keeps you active all day.

11. Prevents Heart Attacks and Atherosclerosis
Over the years excessive fat gets stored in your arteries and this leads to thickening of the human artery which results in strokes and atherosclerosis. However, the arteries tend to harden over the years and in order to prevent this from happening you need to consume spinach that will prevent this from happening. This is because of a substance called lutein that is responsible for preventing your arteries from thickening. This substance also prevents the risk of developing heart diseases.
12. Prevents Anaemia
Spinach has a high source of iron content in it that can prevent you from the risks of developing anaemia. Iron is also good for women who are menstruating, children and adults. Iron also boosts energy in the human body and also helps in carrying oxygen to all the cells of the body.
13. Glowing Skin
Your skin is the largest and the most sensitive part of your body and if you are looking for a skin texture that is glowing, then you need to try consuming some spinach. However, our skin requires essential nutrients and minerals that need to keep it healthy and as a result, this leafy green vegetable is the right dose that can do good to your skin. Some of the vital nutrients that spinach contains are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E including vitamin K which plays an important role in healthy skin.
14. Prevents Acne
Acne is a skin condition that can reduce your self-confidence in society and can also damage your skin and leave skin scars that can be permanent. Well, if you have acne try consuming some spinach and this ease the inflammation in your skin and reduce acne. You can also prepare a facial mask by making some spinach paste and adding a little water. Once this is done you need to apply it onto your face and wait for 20 minutes. This will reduce inflammation in your skin and remove dirt and extra oil that causes acne.
15. Natural Anti-Ageing Properties
Premature ageing is one of the most common problems that most youths are facing today. However, spinach comes loaded with antioxidants that have the tendency to destroy and prevent free radicals that cause premature ageing. Consuming spinach on a regular basis will benefit your skin and give it a shiny texture. Instead, it will rejuvenate your skin and make you look younger and healthy.